
Coaching, Consulting, and more…

Individual In-depth Coaching

In-depth healing is an emotional, spiritual, and somatic process often considered intense and gloomy. Wendy’s unique coaching approach to healing through intuitive spiritual direction balances the intensity with indigenous practices and earth-based rhythms. Amongst the intensity it can be fun, rewarding, and Self-empowering. Wendy facilitates sensory awareness through nature exploration, welcoming symbiotic relationships of the animal and plant realms back into the client’s awareness.

This is not intended or a qualified replacement for psychotherapies, mental-health counseling, or medical treatment.

Through the process of attunement and deep listening, Wendy will facilitate creating inner and outer coherence for discovering new paths. Wendy is known for her ability to intuit system stalls and sources of redundancy. Allowing inspiration to emerge through a co-creative process of witnessing, leaders can move through obstacles with more relatedness and resiliency.

Wendy has over two decades of experience in the public and private sectors as a mid-level to C-level leader.


Sync With Life Parenting

Parenting with Attunement

As a solo parent of kids with learning differences, Wendy found ways to teach them attunement skills. Through adapting Thomas Huebl’s attunement practices, Wendy found various ways to help kids synchronize their unique rhythm, allowing them to flourish.

It began by learning more about herself and finding new ways of relating and taking a loving curiosity into the patterns of parenting, wanting to repeat. With gentle witnessing of a new potential, she excavated her backstory, allowing herself to provide attached and attuned parenting. Parenting is not a static state, and neither is perfection. Our kids know we are not perfect and none of us know everything. We have moments of “getting it right” and moments that need honest repair. Through healing and coach-led training, we become transparent parents.

By working with the parent(s)/caregiver(s) first, Wendy helps the caregiver better attune to the children. The parent is the best resource and teacher for the child. From a parenting perspective rather than a psychological lens, Wendy offers authentic and simplistic methods for parent-led attunement practices. Helping kids learn authenticity and relating through paralleling the neurophysiological rhythms stated in the Polyvagal Theory by Dr. Stephen Porges.

Spiritual Deep Dive Practicing Group

This online trauma-informed practicing group is for those who have a history of the trauma symptoms of addiction patterns. It is a good place for those who have an account of sobriety and are looking for ways to reach the core issues. It supports 12-step programs (Steps 10, 11, 12) and other practices for maintaining sobriety. Offered online, we provide a safe and non-judgmental space for exploring and witnessing how these roots manifest, what they need to heal, and how to grow through them. This group focuses on healing the individual and the residues of trauma that impede our personal and spiritual development. Having come through the journey of alcoholism, Wendy offers keen insights and Sync With Life practices into healing the root cause of the symptoms rather than transferring the behavior into another addiction pattern. If you have more questions or want to apply to the next group exploration cycle, please email

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